Writing in English and new clusters

June 15, 2022
Changelog add english

Addition of English (countries and languages)

When creating new content, you now have the option to choose a country on which your content will be published and a language in which it will be written.

This allows you to optimise your content in both French and English on the different Google SERPs:

  • France
  • Belgium
  • Switzerland
  • United States
  • Canada
  • England
  • Ireland
  • Australia

New countries and languages will be added soon!

How to choose the country and language of your content?

There are two ways to set the language and country of a content.

Via the creation of new content

When creating new blank content, you can now choose the language and country of your analysis from the drop-down list.

nouveau projet anglais

After importing the pages from your site

Once your pages have been imported, you can run an analysis on each of your pages. By clicking on the icon, the language of your page will be automatically detected and you will have the possibility to change it.

import pages anglais

New list of themes

The semantic clusters have also been reviewed in the Design section.

To help you even more in your editorial research, the derived keywords are now displayed on mouse-over!

mots clés dérivés clusters thématiques

Other improvements

  • Drastic improvement in project analysis time: previously it could take several minutes, now it takes less than a minute!
  • The keywords displayed in the list are now tuned.
  • The mesh suggestion is no longer only available for imported pages, but for all projects belonging to a website.