AI is finally available

January 18, 2024

AI Assistant

Optimize your SEO copywriting with a touch of artificial intelligence: chat with your integrated AI assistant for personalized help in writing your content.

AI is aware of the context of your project, the substance of your text and analyzes your competitors' strategies.

You'll also benefit from instant suggestions for catchy titles and optimized descriptions.

Name entity recognition

Our in-house algorithms have been refined to accurately identify named entities such as places, events and people, boosting your SEO effectiveness.

Other improvements

HTML table support

Add and manage tables directly in the editor for clear, structured data presentation.

Variants of numbers

You can now see the variants of different keywords containing numbers or dates.

Advances settings

Settings have been completely redesigned for improved ergonomics. You now have the option of choosing specific parameters for your editors when creating projects (e.g. forcing the assignment of a tag or a user).