x3 SEO traffic
x2 organic keywords
28 keywords on 1st page

En Chair et en Os is an e-commerce of educational supports related to the study of the human body including:
- Anatomical boards,
- Illustrations and animations,
- Wall murals,
- Books.
Axel, the creator of these supports, also animates body painting workshops, which allow a better understanding and visualization of the human anatomy.
The objective is to educate professionals, students and all people interested in health issues, towards a better understanding of the human body.
This project aims to become the reference in anatomy illustration and learning in France.
Axel Devillard, Osteopath and Illustrator
Needs and challenges
The site was not positioned at all, and it was only after discovering Dokey, that Axel realized the lack of optimized content on his website and the lack of strategic keywords, mainly on its product pages.
The use of Dokey
"The ease of use and especially the impeccable customer service and support were the major assets of Dokey, despite my lack of attraction to writing. Well beyond the use of the product, it was the human accompaniment that helped me understand the importance of content writing and propel my desire by motivating me in relation to the niche market I am positioning myself in."
Results achieved
"I think I've increased my organic traffic thanks to the advice provided by the team, and I think the conversion rate really depends on what I'm offering from my business on my networks, Dokey helps me reach an audience that I don't usually reach."
Today, En Chair et en Os is positioned on 607 organic keywords and 400 top 10 keywords with a traffic of 371 visits per month.
"The tool allowed me to know what I should put in my product pages and in my product collection pages, and which keywords to highlight"